Solid and Strong

What is a strong... tought...
It's not just the body...
It's a soul ...
It's a  mindset ...

Even thunder, lighting, Storm...
We still stand

It's ok to cry, sad, tired ...
It's not wrong
Just take a deep breathe
We still stand
Move on and fight

Photo : Agus d Laksono


One day, in this early mouth, suddenly i decided i want to made a fine art still life image. After lot of times  i am not touch this area. 

For me fine art photography is my media for playing and learning. I seen, learn and sharpen my sense with this. I could play a lot in this area, do my ego, fulfill my passion, do what i want to do with out disturbing.

Usually i like color tone, but in this shoot i decided to made it, in black and white. 

First i don't know the idea i want to made. Then i saw this hard tools, i touch it, thinks and ok, i want to made related about strong concept.  In this case i find the tools and props then get the idea.


This images not i made in studio, i made it in my little garden. I used one monoblock light, and 3 mirror for reflected lighting, with this basic aquipment we could made photo like using light brush. Thanks for my tutor who teach me this technique.

Left : photo made in my little garden | right : lighting diagram

If you like strobist, this monoblock light could change with portable flash light like nikon SB, Canon Speed light, Metz, Young Nou, or other brand.

I'am not perfect, in every idea i made, it's has a proses. It's not one shoot, one kill.  I made several shot, learn it, evaluated, shoot again till i had the best shoot.

A : First shoot, still lot of thing to change, angle, power and lighting direction, and background distracting the object, need to change
B : after evaluate, shoot again, this final photo with a little photo editing.

The A photo, it's a first shoot, stil rare, i have several props to changed to made the feel like i want, to made it well done. The B photo, it's the final result.

For techical info, camera i used Nikon D7000 with kit lens 18-105mm, @ 75mm, speed in 1/180s with f11. Shoot in color mode than change to black and white using photoshop CS3, with burn tools for give a little spicy. Remember just give it little bit, don't over cook.

Have fun, just play on and keep shooting.


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