The Potrait of Body Builder Atlet
Basic Potrait
The idea of this photo it's simple, want to made a classical shot of the body builder atlet, pose with they great mussles, used with an oil in his body to made the shiny wet in the body.
This first shot, i use vario lens 18-105mm, to get a good proportion. i used in 50mm.
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Photo : Agus d Laksono | Asst Photo : Chairul Zaman | Talent : Syamsudin | Nikon D7000 lens Nikon 18-105mm @ 50mm |
The next experiment it's trying to made potrait photo by using a wide angles lens. In basic photography tecnique we learn that making potrait photo it's using normal lens or tele lens to get proportional composition and body stucture from the talent.
In Photo Jurnalistic a lot photographer like to use wide angle lens to made street photography, and made a close up human interest. Usually they like used vario lens 17-35mm. One of teory base on Quote from the legend photographer :
"If your photographs aren't good enough, you're not close enough."
Robert Capa (October 22, 1913 – May 25, 1954)
When we use wide angle lens for potrait, the soul of photo not come from techical but come from the inner and the soul from the person we take.
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Then i change the lens, try made this photo using 11-16mm lens. Move on close to Object, i made a shoot from a half meter from the talent using in 16mm lens.
Angle and composition it's still good. Distortion in the image, if we can used and place it in correct position, we could made a outstanding image.
In so little time, in the middle of my photo assigment, this personal project it's took 40 minutes, with one type of lighting set, and got 2 pose from the talent.
To made this photo i used 3 lighting, 2 lighting with standar reflextor from backlight left and right, and 1 main light i use standar reflector with honey comb from side light. If you like stobist technique, You can use it.
For Camera i used Nikon D7000 , but you could use every brand DSLR Camera.
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Photo : Agus d Laksono | Asst Photo : Chairul Zaman | Talent : Syamsudin | Nikon D7000 lens Tokina 11 -16mm @ 11mm |
Agus d Laksono -
menurut saya, foto pertama POI nya terganggu dengan kilap cahaya di bagian mulutnya.. berkesan seperti ngiler, mas.. mungkin jika dalam komposisi berwarna (tdk B/W) foto ini jauh lebih baik.. imho
BalasHapusutk foto kedua, detailnya dah dapet, mas.. sayang tangannya kepotong dengan bayangan barbelnya..
Foto FR yg berwarna malah jauh saya lebih suka, mas.. detail dan warnanya lebih berkesan..
Ini cuma masalah selera, koq mas.. mohon maaf jika kurang berkenan..
Thx utk sharingnya, mas.. :D
Untuk foto yg pertama, terima kasih atas koreksinya mas, saya coba hapus kilatan cahaya di bagian mulutnya, memang ternyata jadi lebih nyaman di lihat.
HapusUntuk foto kedua, memang sengaja dipilihkan barbel yg lebih besar lagi, dan juga effect distorsi lensa membuat barber yg besar jadi terlihat lebih besar lagi, anglenya menang sengaja dibuat tangannya tertutup oleh barbel.
Untuk foto close upnya di buat ke BW krn warna biru celananya, cukup kontras sehingga mengganggu POI- nya.
Makasih ya mas buat masukannya, ditunggu nanti komentar, kritikan dan masukan lainnya pada artikel berikutnya.
Agus dL
Sayang ekspresi modelnya agak kaku yah Pak. Hehehehe sotoy mode on. Ajak2 pak kalo motret. Januari mulai start moto lagi ni Pak. Ajarin lg yaw Pak Agus
BalasHapusFoto2nya bagus2. Lam kenal ya pak Agus..
BalasHapusSalam kenal juga mas :)