Bottle, Conture light

Several day ago i  made my personal project. i decided to back to learn the basic lighting, learning back how to made tranparant image, such as bottle and glass. I look back my portfolio in this area, then have an idea to made a simple Conture light in bottle. Th simple technique, with the great result.

Photo : Agus d Laksono

for this photo i only use one lighting with big softbox as a backlight and a cutter light, black paper at the back of main object.

I made a movie tutorial, for how to made this images. This is my learning process making tutorial video, still learn  how to shoot video, editing, and  making voice over. i realy enjoy this process.

Please take a sit, and watch this video, for language i used bahasa Indonesia, with English subtitle.

For photography, i made this photo using SLR Camera Nikon D7000 with Nikon lens 18 -105 mm, and for this movie i used Canon 60D, with Canon lens 18 - 135mm.

hope you like it…
remember Photography is always fun

 - Agus d Laksono-


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