Sunset at Labuan

This personal photo made after photo assigment  project Industrial with Medco Energy in Labuan, South Sumatera, Indonnesia. 

At that time in evening went  from oil field to lodging camp. We decided to take a break to saw  sunset. It's very beautifull, and at the same time we saw a car from opposite direction is moving very fast, so i decided to prepare camera, ready and shoot! This prefect moment with moving effect and light from the car.

This technicque use low speed at 1/4s, we know as low light photo effect or low speed effect. To make this photo we could try from 1/8s  to 8's, or in certain circumstances we could use 15' or 30'.

Photo personal project ini diambil 2 tahun lalu, pada saat project Industrial Shoot dengan Medco Energy di  Labuan, satu daerah di Sumatera Selatan dalam perjalanan pulang dari oil field ke mess penginapan.

Pada saat magrib tiba, kami memutuskan beristirahat sejenak dipinggir jalan sambil menikmati suasana matahari terbenam, sekaligus iseng motret sunset, dan dari arah kejauhan tampak sebuah mobil proyek yang akan lewat. Sambil menyiapkan kamera, bersiap-siap dan jepret!... dapat lah foto ini, moment yg pas, effect moving mobil dengan suasana matahari tenggelam.

Teknik pemotretan ini, menggunakan speed rendah dibawah 1/4s. Secara umum di kenal dengan sebutan low light, atau low speed effect. Menggunakan kecepatan rendah, dapat di coba dari 1/8 hingga sekitar 8' second. Untuk kondisi tertentu bisa dicoba 15' dan 30'.


  1. Hi! I love this technicque. I did one similiar to this, using flash and low speed.

    best regards!
    bruna grassi.

  2. Hi Bruna, thanks for sharing....nice and great photo....i like your style in your photo


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