In the begining mounth in this year, i made several photo assigment from client for Company Profile and Annual Report photo shoot. One of the session i like it, is office activity photo shoot.
The Office activity photo shoot, is a photo to illustrated activity at the office, such as to show working activity, meeting, profesional worker , team work, profesional spirit. The key point is their face should be smile, friendly, optimistic, full of energy.
Photo : Agus d Laksono | Asst photo : Yopi Irianto & Chairul Zaman | Client : Commonwealth Bank Indonesia |
Photo : Agus d Laksono | Asst Photo : Reza Sahtir & Feizal M. Gandhi | Client : Metra |
All the model and talent in this shoot it's not a profesional talent. They are an employes and staff at their office that nice looking, photogenic, and dinamic. It's a chalenge for photographer to direct this talent, to look nice in camera and act look like in photo list at storyboard.
Even their not profesional talent,but as a profesional worker , what their act in the storyboard is all activity that they do every day, like meeting,working as a team work, operating computer, etc. So not much obstacle to direct.
Photo : Agus d Laksono | Asst Photo : Yopi Irianto & Trieshakti Mogiggo | Client : Mitratel |
Photo : Agus d Laksono | Asst Photo : Yopi Irianto | Client : Indopoly |
Photo Techique
The point of techical lighting is set our lighting seen to be a natural light. How much lighting we need it's depent of situation, and location. We could use 1,2 even sometime we need 4 lighting to create a photo. Made as simple as i can.
To made a good picture don't forget to control the basic element like Depth of field, bacgkground, fourground, compositing, and lighting technic. We must know all this thing like a back of a hand.
For focal length lens, in my experience we could use the maximal mm than we could do at the location. let say a group of meeting staf in a small meeting room, it's i use a wide angle lens 11-16mm, let say my maximal distance in that room i could use in 16 mm, so i will use in 16 mm. If i made a medium shoot photo, and with lens 18 - 85mm, and maximal distance at that location i can use in 75mm, so i will use it.
Photo : Agus d Laksono | Asst Photo : Reza Sahtir & Chairul Zaman | Client : Metra |
Photo : Agus d Laksono | Asst Photo : Yopi Irianto & Chairul Zaman | Client : Elnusa |
For camera used, all this images, i used Nikon D7000, with lens 18 - 105mm.
Agus d laksono | ----
sangat menarik dan menambah wawasan saya. foto-fotonya simple dan memiliki pesan yang kuat. saya paling suka foto client " metra" dengan background langit biru dan gedung terlihat cerah dan tidak over.
BalasHapuspokoke mantep !
betul.. sangat menarik sekali om... artikelnya...
BalasHapusini jadinya seperti Stock photography yah...
kebetulan saya juga baru ambil D7000 dengan lensa kit yg sama
kalau boleh tau penempatan posisi lighting nya bisa di jelaskan sebelah mana objek?
dan settingan iso, F dan Shutter speed yg dipakai untuk kondisi indoor seperti ini seperti apa?
Terima kasih atas komentarnya, untuk penempatan lampu pada artikel ini memang tidak dibahas, karena setiap foto memiliki setingan yg berbeda-beda, intinya untuk lampu adalah penempatan main light di object utama, dan lighting pendukung untuk side light dan surounding area. Nah untuk main lightnya rata2 menggunakan 1 lampu, untuk lighting pendukungnya biasanya disesuaikan dengan keadaan di lokasi.
HapusPada artikel saya yg sebelumnya, banyak juga yg menerangkan dan memberi gambar lighting diagramnya, silahkan bisa dibaca-baca.