making Youtube video, How to made Souffle Pancake
In first day of September, i made a little personal project, Youtube video, how to made a Souffle Pancake. to made this 2 minutes Vlog, I'm collaborated with Nui, she has a hobby pastry, and have a food pastry brand, Butterlover kitchen . In this vlog, i use slide photo technique, This simple story, base on 3 part segment. Fist is the ingredient, second is process, how to made it, and the third part is the end product. For 2 minutes duration, used about 33 photo, with average interval in 4 second for each photo. Technical For lighting technique, Used 1 source lighting, Flash light bounce to the wall, or direct light with softbox, in backlight position,and 1 white reflector at the opposite, to minimize shadow. Shot with DSLR D7000 series Nikon Camera, with Nikon lens 24-85mm , and i used in 50-85 mm. F-Stop, i used in f4.5-6.7. I like a blur images for the background or foreground, but not to blur. Video editing, i used Shotcut a free, open source, cross platform video...